miercuri, 23 iulie 2014
His point of view.
I saw my neighbour today, no, not Simone who lives at 3rd floor. I know you all like Simone, and let's be honest, who in their right mind wouldn't? Long legs, short black hair and those eyes that broke every guy's heart in the neighbourhood.
But no, I didn't see Simone today,I saw her. What do you mean her? You know, the new girl living in the apartment 02. What is that? ... Yeah, the one that always has tea at Richmond's.
You see, she really is something, she is like a pill, no, not like in a cliche-type-of-movie, no. She is like ..an aspirin, the one that you take after a long night full of drinks and partying way too much.
Watching her watching other people has become a hobby to me. She always sits alone for an hour or two, has her tea and just looks at people passing by. I sometimes try to play a game with myself trying to guess what she is thinking while analysing their walks, eyes and posture. Does she know some of them? Will she meet them? I guess not, after all, why would you meet some tired corporatists? What would she ask them? How would SHE live with them?
She wouldn't. I bet one day she would wake up, grab a few clothes and catch the next train to a city she hasn't even heard of. I know I'd do that, with her.
Wait a minute,Simone is having a party or something, I should probably go and ask her to turn the music down.
Oh Simone, will she ever get her feet on the ground? I've always tried to picture herself after some years: a diva who married a well-known fossil that bathes in money or a single mother of 5 hyperactive kids that will leave her on her own when they will turn 18.
I was thinking to leave. Not town, not country. Just..go.
Lately I've dreamed about one day when she would drink her tea and I would walk pass her, she'd look me in the eyes and I, like a child would simply smile feeling accomplished with my day, with my life. You know, I've never seen her eyes from the front, I've only seen their shape, big, tired eyes. Are they green? Brown? I bet she has blue eyes, no, I've changed my mind, I bet she has heterchromia. Her eyes, full of different colors like nebulas.
Did you buy what I asked you? Oh, come on, I ran out of those. They told me I have to take them every single day and you, yeah, you, who were supposed to be taking care of me can't even buy the things written on a fucking prescription?! Oh, don't give me the pathetic bullshit about my "thing"! I can drink what I want, when I want and with whom I choose to. Don't I?
Did I ever tell you the story of when she first moved here? No? Because there is none. One morning she just got out of the apartment, locked her door and took the trash out.
You got them? Did you have a look in the cafe? She still wasn't there, wasn't she?
marți, 15 iulie 2014
Ploua pe insula
Ploua pe insula, iar altcineva a fiert cafeaua pt mine, ba chiar m-a si servit. Aerul asta englez-80s sort of ma relaxeaza. Tocmai despre asta vreau sa vorbesc azi, despre micile chestii care fac oamenii sa se simta bine. Cand m-am trezit m-am uitat pe geamul cabanei, doamna care se ocupa cu intretinerea camerei a facut o chestie foarte misto, probabil crezand ca nu o vede nimeni: s-a bucurat de ploaie ca un copil. Simplul gest de a-si ridica mainile in aer si a zambi in ploaie m-a impresionat ....putin.
Cand am ajuns aici, la cafenea, in timp ce imi asteptam cafeaua am vazut un semn pretty funny pot spune ("i am am on a mythos<bere> diet, i've lost ten days so far), nu ,nu am scris fara sa imi dau seama de doua ori seama "am", dar ei da. Cand i-am aratat tipului cu cafeaua ( nu imi place sa il numesc chlener, ok?) semnul, l-a bufnit rasul,iar mai apoi i-a aratat si barmanului, m-am simtit foarte bine ca am putut sa ii fac sa rada macar pt cateva secunde, they're nice people.
Care sunt micile mele placeri? Hmm, sa fredonez melodii pe care doar bunicamea le-ar recunoaste, cand sunt singura acasa sa dansez cu cainii ( de care ma plang ca fac galagie si mizerie in fiecare zi) in brate, si sa fac oamenii sa rada. Oh, da, si sa fierb apa pt cafea sau ceai.
Inca mai ploua, eu mi-am spus ce aveam de spus, toate cele bune, CFD, v-am pupat.
Cand am ajuns aici, la cafenea, in timp ce imi asteptam cafeaua am vazut un semn pretty funny pot spune ("i am am on a mythos<bere> diet, i've lost ten days so far), nu ,nu am scris fara sa imi dau seama de doua ori seama "am", dar ei da. Cand i-am aratat tipului cu cafeaua ( nu imi place sa il numesc chlener, ok?) semnul, l-a bufnit rasul,iar mai apoi i-a aratat si barmanului, m-am simtit foarte bine ca am putut sa ii fac sa rada macar pt cateva secunde, they're nice people.
Care sunt micile mele placeri? Hmm, sa fredonez melodii pe care doar bunicamea le-ar recunoaste, cand sunt singura acasa sa dansez cu cainii ( de care ma plang ca fac galagie si mizerie in fiecare zi) in brate, si sa fac oamenii sa rada. Oh, da, si sa fierb apa pt cafea sau ceai.
Inca mai ploua, eu mi-am spus ce aveam de spus, toate cele bune, CFD, v-am pupat.
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